Love Me Like You Do

Love Me Like You Do - 德青卓玛 - 卓玛天空


You’re the light, you’re the night
You’re the color of my blood
You’re the cure, you’re the pain
You’re the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much

You’re the fear, I don’t care
‘Cause I’ve never been so high
Follow me to the night
Let me take you pass our satellites
Even see the world you brought to life

So love me like you do
Love me like you do
Touch me like you do
What do you waiting for

Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise
Every inch of your skin
Is a holy grail I got to find
Only you can set my heart on fire

Yeah, I’ll let you set the pace
‘Cause I’m not thinking straight
My head’s spinning around
I can’t see clear anymore
What do you waiting for

So love me like you do
Love me like you do
Touch me like you do
What do you waiting for


电影就是这么伟大的一件视听艺术作品,不仅是画面精心构造的意境,不仅是主演惟妙惟肖的拿捏,不仅是跌宕起伏的情节,更多时候,背景音乐好似魔术师手中变出的那朵玫瑰,令人称奇之余也会惊艳。《Love me like you do》就是如此。

当安娜与格雷乘着滑翔机翱翔于山野上空,她喜出望外的神情与他泰然自若的神态相得益彰。镜头带来的感官是身临其境般的飞翔。而此时,Ellie Goulding轻盈的标轻盈的标志性的绵羊音渐渐进入,伴着滑翔机升腾、升腾、再升腾,心亦随之攀登、攀登、再攀登,攀升至高点,落下。此时,只需闭上眼睛,想象身体飘扬于天之间、云之端,静静感悟那份极致的自由飞翔。音乐带来的感官是如灵魂出窍一般的感动。

但让这些感动再度升级的是——歌词。“You’re the cure, you’re the pain.You’re the only thing I wanna touch. Every inch of your skin,is a holy grail I got to find,only you can set my heart on fire.”来自两个不同生活世界的人,能像词里所说的那样刻骨铭心、默契到如此境界,该是怎样的伴侣?你中有我,我中有你,芸芸众生之中又有多少人能做到?Love me like you do,看似一句简单的情话,又需要付出多少才能在现实生活中兑现?

尽管电影最终以一个没有结局的结局收场,但细细回味之后,我想说,一对恩爱的人儿,当遇到过不去的情坎时,请再回过头来想想那些幸福美丽的时光吧。毕竟,大千世界茫茫人海里,遇到一个对的人不是件容易的事。而有时面对爱人,做出一个承诺也不是件轻松的事。但,无论如何,love me like you do,勿忘初心,才能久远。



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